SHEROKEE ILSE, Parent Advocate, International Trainer/Speaker, Bereaved Mother, and Author of Empty Arms and 17 other books and booklets on loss (
"Anisa has created a unique tool that addresses one of the more painful events after a baby dies in miscarriage, stillbirth or later--going back to the clinic! This little card says it all: 'Honor my feelings and my baby by not causing any more pain because the staff did not know (or remember) about our loss.' The advice on the back of the card is priceless--basic, easy to do, and serves as a good teaching tool/reminder for caring staff who are at a loss for words. I highly recommend this new resource and thank Anisa for understanding the problem and offering a simple, inexpensive, perfect solution!"
" After counseling parents who experience pregnancy loss for over 26 years, and urging their physicians to flag their charts, I still see many patients who tearfully relate horror stories about their postpartum OB visit. They consistently report having staff ask how their baby is doing, making them wait in a room full of still-pregnant women, and dealing with staff who do not know how to talk about the loss of the baby. The PLAP program is unlike anything I've ever seen for postpartum care of families after a loss. It not only gives bereaved parents a tool to help them "survive" their postpartum visit but, even more, it will educate office staff in ways that will support families and offer compassion and empathy during a very difficult time in their patients' lives."